The 4 Main Types Of Snowboarding in 2022

The 4 Main Types Of Snowboarding in 2022

There are many different types of snowboarding, and it can be hard to figure out which one is right for you. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of the options out there, then this article is here to help.

This guide will go through all of the different types of snowboarding and give a detailed description of each type in order to help you decide which ones fit best for you.

Table of Contents

Types Of Snowboarding

The different types of snowboarding include freeriding, freestyle, freecarve, and splitboarding. Let’s look at each of them:


Also known as “all mountain” snowboarding, this style is for those who want to ride the entire mountain on their freeride boards. Freeriders use a variety of tricks on all types of terrain, from powder to park features.

Freeride snowboarding is all about using all-around styles on all-mountain snowboards as you jump, carve, and ride on any terrain. This type of snowboarding gives more attention to having fun while riding instead of being technical.

Plate bindings, soft snowboard boots, and strap or flow-in bindings are commonly used for freeriding. A freeride snowboard has a deeper sidecut and a narrower width compared to regular snowboards.


Freestyle snowboarding is all about doing tricks on freestyle snowboards. Boarders in this category typically stick to man-made park elements and halfpipes where they can perform aerial tricks and spins. Freestyle riding is the most popular style of snowboarding due to the sport’s thrills and stunts.

Jumps, rail slides, tricks, and switch riding are all part of freestyle. Because the skills are largely aerial, it is best suited for expert freestyle riders. Snowboarders wear softer boots to save weight and make navigating in the air simpler, and their snowboards are short, light, and soft, with the tail and tip having the same form.
The 4 Main Types Of Snowboarding in 2022

Free Carve

Free Carve snowboarding is a mix of freestyle and freeriding. This form of snowboarding is also referred to as Alpine snowboarding. Boarders in this category use their skills to carve down the mountain as quickly as possible, often using long, sweeping turns.

Free Carving is done on groomed hard pack runs with minimal to no jumping. However, it requires a lot of concentration and strength. This type of snowboarding is an Olympic event where experienced riders have to move past poles and gates.

To enhance stability and edge-holding capabilities all through high-speed descents, freecarve snowboards are often narrower, longer, and stiffer. Plate binding hard snowboard boots, which are like ski boots, are used by riders. They tend to be much less stiff all around the ankles.


This common type of boarding is perfect for those who want to enjoy the backcountry. Splitboarders use a splitboard to turn their regular snowboard into a makeshift pair of skis. This allows them to travel through deep powder and up steep inclines that would be otherwise inaccessible on a snowboard.

Splitboarding allows riders to ski and snowboard at almost the same time using the same equipment. Splitboards have the same shape and build as regular snowboards, but they are meant to split into two pieces and be used as skis. The splitboard’s dual-purpose lets users climb the slopes like a skier while descending like a snowboarder.

When wearing a backpack, a splitboard offers gliding ability, flotation, and convenience of usage. The climbing skins on the underside of the splitboards are a unique feature that ensures traction on the mountain.

Styles Of Snowboarding

Knowing your style of riding can help you to better select the right snowboard and boots for your needs. Your mountain riding style will also help you to understand what types of snowboarding or terrain are best suited for you and how to approach that terrain.

The different snowboarding styles include jibbing, slopestyle, big air, half-pipe, boardercross, big mountain, and snowboarding. Let’s look at each of them:


Jibbing is a style of snowboarding that involves riding rails, boxes, and other features in the park. This is a great style for beginner snowboarders because it teaches them how to ride different types of terrain.


Slopestyle is a type of snowboarding that involves riding down a course that includes rails, boxes, and jumps. This style is more advanced than jibbing because it involves jumping over features instead of just riding them on the ground.

Slopestyle racing events or competitions let riders pick their own course in a terrain park. To win, they must pick the most difficult line and execute a seamless routine of feats on the hurdles.

Big Air

Big air snowboarding is when riders perform tricks above natural or man-made jumps in terrain parks or halfpipes. This style is a great way to show off your skills and impress your friends.

Riders do stunts in mid-air whilst attempting to gain a significant amount of height and distance, as well as a flawless landing. The elevation and distance achieved during the launch, as well as the complexity of the stunts displayed in the air, is used to grade the performers.


Halfpipe snowboarding is when riders ride back and forth in a halfpipe, doing tricks along the way. This style is often used in competitions because it is very exciting to watch. Riders perform tricks as they move from one side of the pipe to the other and while hovering over the pipe’s walls.


Boardercross is a type of snowboarding that involves racing down a course that includes obstacles like rails, bumps, and jumps. This is the most extreme type of snowboarding and is not for beginners.

A number of riders compete in Boardercross on a course that resembles a motorbike motocross track. The track is littered with obstacles, which leads to unintentional crashes because the riders share the same ground unlike in regular head-to-head races.

Big Mountain

Big mountain snowboarding is when riders ride down mountains with large amounts of terrain features like cliffs and trees. This style is for advanced riders who are looking for a thrill.


Snowboarding is the most traditional type of snowboarding, in which riders ride down trails on mountains using both their feet to control speed and direction. The rider must finish a downhill course made up of turning markers in the shape of gates in order to compete in snowboard racing.

These gates are made up of a tall pole and a small pole that are connected by a triangular panel and put at a set distance in the snow. The rider is required to go around the gate’s short side.

The Best Types of Snowboards To Practice Different Snowboarding Styles

High-Speed Snowboards

These snowboards are more technologically advanced than ordinary snowboards. They are shaped with speed in mind. As riders’ preferences shift from freestyle or all-mountain riding to carving, the shape of the board shifts. These features also contribute to an increase in the price of the board.

The high-speed snowboards have characteristics that will help you stay stable on bumpy hills. They increase your ability to carve. Many snowboarders like the excitement of turning on their boards simply using the sidecut or edge form.

This maneuver is very beneficial for a spinning jump or riding pipe since it lets you maintain high speed as you turn. The wider and sharper design of these boards makes riding over a course with thick ice appear effortless and smooth.

This type of snowboard’s nimble feel makes it an excellent choice for competitions. They are lightweight and perform admirably because of their bamboo and poplar construction.

Freestyle Park Snowboards

This option is quite popular among thrill-seekers who enjoy having a good time. With the jumps, slides, and rapid twists, freestyle riders can show off their incredible mobility.

These are an ideal option if you enjoy leaping into the air and sliding on rails.

This true-twin snowboard has you covered whether you’re riding with your leading foot pointing forward or backward.

This is due to the fact that it has a consistent flex pattern that allows the rider to ride both normally and with the switch. They don’t feature flat or rocker profiles at the tip or tail, instead opting for a nice rise between the toes with classic camber.

The increased distance between the feet aids in making pops, holding on to the rails, sharp turns, and controlling rotations. It comes in handy when making last-minute modifications before a jump.

All-Mountain Snowboards

This is the ideal pick if you want a single board to carry you through all types of riding in any conditions. These snowboards are designed to offer the rider everything they need and perform anywhere on the mountain. They eliminate the need for multiple boards.

They have a good float on the powder surface and are capable of handling lumps and bumps. Snowboards are drawn to them for their versatility. They are a good alternative for novices who want a board they can take anywhere and don’t have the money for multiple boards.

These snowboards are directional. This means the tip and tail are designed differently and they have either mid-flexing tightness or even flex patterns. They may have a hybrid or moderate camber profile. This allows the rider to keep perfect control while maintaining uncompromising comfort.

The tail is much thinner and flatter than the tip. Also, the snowboard’s overall form allows it to be ridden backward in the rear-facing direction.

Easy Steps to Better Snowboarding

Snowboarding is one of the great pleasures in life and wonderful for active people who enjoy being outside.

The 4 Main Types Of Snowboarding in 2022The sport has a very long history which dates back centuries ago when skiing was invented by ancient Finno-Ugric tribes that lived on top of mountains where there was snow. There are several different types of boards, but the most common is a freestyle board which typically has more flex and wider stances than other kinds such as alpine or cross-country boards.

First, you should know that it’s very important to wear proper clothing when going out on the mountain. You probably already own some plastic boots and a jacket, but you should also buy some good snowboarding pants.

The main purpose of these pants is to keep your legs warm and dry while you’re out there riding. A lot of people make the mistake of not dressing properly for the weather conditions and end up getting sick.

The next step is to find a good place to learn how to snowboard. Some people think that the best place to learn is at a ski resort, but this actually isn’t true because there are too many beginners out there which makes it hard for you to see what’s going on when learning how to snowboard.

The ideal place is somewhere with fewer skiers or where safety equipment rentals are available so you can have somebody to watch and learn from. Once you find a good place to learn, the next step is to take a lesson.

This is probably the most important step, and you should never try to learn by yourself. A good instructor will be able to teach you the basics of snowboarding in a very short period of time so that you can start enjoying the sport right away.

After each lesson, it’s important to practice what you’ve learned. This can be done by renting a board and hitting the slopes on your own. Be careful though, because it’s easy to get carried away and start doing tricks that you’re not ready for. The best way to learn is to take things slow and only do what you feel comfortable with.

Finally, make sure to have fun. Snowboarding is one of the most fun sports out there, so make sure you enjoy it while learning how to do tricks and taking on new slopes.

Snowboarding is a great sport, but it can seem overwhelming when you first start out. If you need help figuring out how to get started with the basics of snowboarding or simply want some snowboard tips about safety on the slopes, there are plenty of online resources that will give you more information.

Snowboarding FAQs

There is no age requirement for snowboarding, but children must be accompanied by an adult. 

It doesn’t matter what age you are when learning, either. As long as you have the will to do it and some basic instruction, you’re good to go.

Dress in layers. Many people ski in winter jackets, hats, gloves, and other warm clothing. The weather at a ski resort can vary widely, so be prepared for anything. Wear comfortable clothes that you don’t mind getting wet or dirty. A waterproof jacket and pants are essential as is a good pair of gloves or mittens. You’ll also want to bring a warm hat, some sunglasses, and protective equipment.

There is no definitive answer as every woman’s body is different. It’s best to check with your doctor before you decide to snowboard while pregnant. 

Some female snowboarders choose to snowboard up until the day before they give birth while others stay off their boards for several months. It all depends on the type of snowboarder.

There are plenty of ways for beginners to learn how to snowboard. Most resorts offer lessons, and there are also many instructional videos and books on various snowboarding tricks. It’s important to take things slowly when you’re starting out. You don’t want to try too many snowboard tricks before you’ve learned the basics of professional snowboarding.

If you’re injured while snowboarding, it’s important to seek medical help for your ski injuries as soon as possible. Many ski resorts have their own medical facilities, but there are also hospitals near most resorts. Try to remember the name and address of the resort so you can give it to emergency personnel if necessary. 

If you’re hurt on the slopes and need medical attention, someone will come to find you and help get you to a first aid center or clinic. If your snowboard injuries are not serious, you can visit the first aid center on your own.

It’s true that snowboarding requires certain physical skills, but it doesn’t mean you have to be an Olympic athlete or an advanced snowboarder. Even people who are in terrible shape can learn how to do it with a little effort. 

If anything, being out of shape will make the learning process easier because your body is not used to physical activity. Just take it slow and be patient, and you’ll eventually get the hang of it.

If you see a skier in trouble when alpine skiing, your first instinct should be to call for help. Many ski resorts have emergency numbers posted throughout the resort, and there are usually attendants or staff members who can help. 

If you don’t have a phone on hand, try to get the attention of other skiers and ask for their help. You can also raise your arms over your head so people will notice you easily.


The snowboarding industry has many types of snowboarding to choose from. You can go with a traditional style or you could try some new tricks on the latest, most innovative boards available.

Regardless of your choice, there are always going to be helpful tips out there that will lead you in the right direction for making an educated decision about what aspects of snowboarding are best for you. So why not start exploring? It’s never too late.